In my work I facilitate training in communication which includes the most significant - Body Language.
Words are only 7% of communication.
55% is in the face.
The rest is in every body movement we make.
Working with young humans who are on the edge can be sensitive when it comes to building relationships and also handling conflict resolution. Humans can tell if we value them.
Are caring.
Love them !
They can also read our non-verbal communication because life has often dealt them such blows that they can recognize rejection by they way we do our eye contact, the corners of our mouths, the expressions around the eyes.
I like the eye direction on these pictures, the facial expressions, the touch .......
It all comes out of our interior.
It is no use understanding body language if we cannot do love.
Love love love .......
Hope you can love those around you or those you are on the other team at work, the ones you don't like even.
You are beautiful ...............