Sunday, June 07, 2009

I fell yesterday on the way to the charity shop
I was carrying two bags of disposables
from the Wilson Mansions downsize campaign.

I fell yesterday
carrying two bags
and it was actually on the stairs!
Wilson Mansion stairs.
I bounced down about four steps on my back
My toes got bruised because they tried to go through the rails.
My coccyx soaked on the bumps.
It hurts and standing up
and sitting down
is a bit hurty hurty.
I can't see down/around there
but Joan tells me I am bruised.
I guess you wanted to know this.

don't walk down stairs in my socks
don't carry two bags
don't - just don't .....

Had a great evening out last night.
Non-stop conversation - and curry
great food
beautiful stuff.
Champagne friends .........
It is most meaning-full.
AND I loved the gift of
Champagne xxx

I have just watched the movie Kidulthood
on my iPhone.
I have had it on there for a long time.
Watched the first 10 minutes several times,
but never the whole.
It is dark.
Not much light at all.
Grizzly London Urban violent youth scene.

I am leading three day conference this week.
I am researching tools to use.
Movies can be the most powerful form of learning.
I cut them into chunks
then used with reflective practice in between.
Cultural transposition.
Personal transposition.
Everyone learns from each other.
I cannot use this stuff = Kidulthood.

If you know of a movie
youth focused
with values/learning/messages
please can you let me know?

I am glad oxygen is not zonal.
Can you image stepping out of the zone?
All animals and humans rushing for air
between the zone - taking a few gasps
then moving on like bus around the stops.

Air is not like that
Open to all
Available to all
- just like God really.

7% of communication is words.
Only 7% of communication is words.
55% is facial expression.
The rest is body language..

I see Obama a a human
who feels good in his skin.
I see Gordon Brown as a human
who does not feel good in his skin.
Both beautiful humans.

expressions of concern
expressions of calm
expressions of empathy.
............... and his words.

He has spent much time
in the inner city
working amongst the poor
and those who have
few resources to bring
to becoming successful
mothers ......

His faith became real in that context.
So much wisdom gained amongst the least .......

Alice has sent me five words to describe her life at the moment.
It is a privilege to let me/and you/ into a scan of her life.
Yours are welcome
because it is good for
you to share
for all of us to read
and for me
my soul .........


An old lady in Church this morning.
She is always amongst us.
Hands shaking.
Head shaking.
Head bowed.

I saw her singing a hymn today.
With gusto
I felt
'how beautiful she is'