These are two shelves which contain my most referred to books.
WRONG - there is only one shelf here.
My office is lined with book shelves.
When we moved from house to small flat -
All the walls above Juke Box height were shelved.
I must keep my books
but had to give away ALL my CD collection.
No room at the Inn.
Here we have books about::
Emotional Intelligence
Team Building/Team Working
Bible reference
New Testament
A few of my own books
Gang stuff
Education/School/Teacher stuff
Personal growth and development
Some of famous authors
Others unknown widely.
I have another pile.
These are next to my chair in the lounge.
The current 'dip-into' selection.
Another great great book is in my car.
I read quite often at 4am.
I awake, not by choice, and read on my iPhone
for about an hour or so
then I am ready to dose off again.
The current book I want to read is not on iBooks sadly.
All my reading is non-fiction
other than Lee Child/Jack Reacher books
which I read when brand spanking new
before returning to the books that stir my soul.
Tell me about your shelf?
I am interested on why and what you read.
You are beautiful - thanx for visiting me here.