Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Stabbed in the back ....

I was working in a project
A Hostel for Young Adults
Conducting group work
A group of young humans
All unique
All experienced a long life
Of hurts - far too young.

I remember it being electric
the dynamics
the feelings
up there
fourth floor
beautiful flower buds opening
to the sun ..................

I remember sitting in the corridor afterwards
On the floor
with a young human
who was facing decisions
I have never had to face
never had to face
in my whole life.

I remember offering
my all
and still feeling inadequate

I left late and traveled home

I stayed late and then I heard
as I travelled home that
a staff member there
was stabbed twice in the back.
Serious ............... attack ......

I my iPhone/Mac will remind me
My emotions will stay locked
forever ................................
