I have been thinking about this Belonging stuff for some time - years …
This week I published an article on my website about BELONGING -
I believe in it.
So I wanted to reflected deeper.
* What has been my BELONGING history.
* What has been normal in my life and what has changed.
Maybe you can do the similar?
I belong to the Level Five Group. For 36 years and counting
We come together for meals and all sorts but the big one is when we have a Level Five week-end.
That is when we get intimate with each other. Listening to each other - wondrous experience ever time.
I value that deeply.
Search my website with 'L5' or ‘Level Five’ to get some understanding.
Up to a few years ago my belonging was with::
The Greenbelt Festival Board of Trustees - a real group where I contributed and where belonged for some 30+ years
That ended that a couple of years ago. My term had ended.
A gang of us via Greenbelt contacts used to meet up for a curry in Brick Lane, every couple of months for years.
We don’t meet now. I find it a drag coming home from London late at night now a days. And I am not so keen at driving in the dark so much now.
I belong to a Church Community of all ages backgrounds professions strengths and weaknesses as with any group of humans.
I get a greater buzz from the humans than the service itself ……...
I have always had a workplace community from the age of working in a factory when I was 15.
I have been freelance since 2003 and missed a full-time community - I have always previously worked/lived 'in community’.
My workplace has always been very much a community - and I guess for you too. Now my workplace is in my home office + various venues when I meet people or facilitate a conference etc..
The first 7 years of being freelance I was regularly working in different YMCA communities for one or two days a week - so I was very much part of their communities. I felt I belonged, ongoing relationships - journeying..
NOWADAYS I get great stimulus, human interactions, feedback, stretching passion, giving and taking when I am conducting my Training/Facilitation sessions around the nation (and Norway in two weeks time).
These are groups, and communities sometimes, which I dip my toe into - but they are fleeting rather than belonging.
So group-wise ….. I have the 'Level Five Group' and church.
+ Lots of 121 relationships and encounters both locally and in my London cafe …...
+ Online stuff which is good but it’s not touching flesh, reading faces, feeling their breath …..
As people get older and less active it is so easy for them to pull up the drawbridge and watch TV.
'I desire intimacy’
(the first three words in my book PIP WISDOM from a few years ago) -
and desire to belong and believe every human does -
but some are not able to take that risk for their own becoming ……
Just a little reflection which wanted to reflect with you …..
and maybe publish in my next book!
Do you belong?
Is it enough?
Is it too much?
Have you a strategy for colliding with humans?
NOT like marbles in a jar
more like a module of a honeycomb - glued together?