I had to write to reflect to try to understand this man Donald Trump.
Yesterday I published this on my website::
Today I feel so proud of women world wide
for their stepping out in their masses
to protest peacefully for equality & inclusiveness.
To show the their Town/City that they care.
On behalf of all the men - thank you
(and for the men & children who paraded with them too)
It is a big encouragement in troubling times.
I ask myself why did Donald go for the Presidential job.
He has not stood up in the rest of his life
to work on behalf of the people of the USA.
He has not worked at helping community, State or Nation before.
It seems to me
he just wanted the power
he has it
with only one quarter of the US population voting for him.
I do pray he will have a conversion of the heart -
everyone of us can change.
If his interior changed - if his soul is touched - heart melted
his language would different
He would listen
He would want to love & not discard
He would become sensitive and aware
his empathy would show - if present
his compassion would seep through his cracks -
that’s where the light gets in - THE CRACKS.
because everything comes from the heart.
Inner - Outer.
I can’t see that happening with his hard heart.
I cannot see a humble streak in him.
He must have vulnerabilities
yet he seems to be armour plated.
I think we all need to ask ourselves::
What can we do to bring change …….. we can all do = DO!
As the women did yesterday.
As Ghandi did in India.
As Mandela did in S Africa.
As MLK did in the US.
Individuals coming together with others to make a difference.
And you????