Saturday, April 23, 2005

...... ALMOST BLOG ..........

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.


......... "how am I feeling" I say to myself ......

almost lost my cough
almost completed my second stream of antibiotics
almost back to sleeping nights
almost back to full energy
almost full of ideas and fresh creativity
almost back back in touch with my vulnerability sensitivity and reading of my own feelings .........

I couldn't stay on the 'physical' I notice above hmmm.
That is boring anyway
NOT - if you have toothache I will add. Sometimes the physical takes over and that drains away our sensitivity to the spiritual - relationships .....

Thinking ........ I don't want to be 'back to ....' .... I want to be beyond that .......

I wonder ......... how you are?
Is there anyone you can tell?
Who you are today - right now?

If there was -would you want to?
