Monday, November 01, 2004

-I feel ..............

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

....... OK and settling down after a week-end away - working at home.
The three blobs above are from my blob tree which has 21 blobs and each can be used to come into touch with our feelings.
I find that many people have feelings, we all have, but are not able to get in contact with them. Behaviour, it seems to me, indicates how a human is feeling.
The common type most talked about is 'anti-social behaviour' but we may not be like that.
But our feelings are often in control rather than our whole-person mind in management.
I believe that we need to develop here as as part of our growth into wholeness.

The three blobs above, not men-maybe women!, all display feelings which can be read in any language by people from any culture.
I want to yearn forever to be able to read my feelings as easy as you and me can read that picture. Then the strategic mind can decide how I behave so I am response-able rather than having an internal Hitler/dictator in management control of my life.

The spiritual journey and the emotional journey are so entwined ........ along the road less travelled .....

