Tuesday, November 02, 2004

...... We are only hours away from the election ................

....... voted by 120 homeless humans ...... to see who they think the next President of the USA should be.
Watch this space for the results from the presiding officer Mr Pip Wilson dot com bhp vip da di da

Also ...... the votes are already streaming in from the Greenbelt Board of Trustees and the esteemed Management group ........ the result to be announced at the forthcoming Greenbelt week-end in the Cotswolds ...... watch this space for the result and AND of course the photoes .........

Today I have been working at home and
MOT ...... for the motor ...... I think I need one after the John Peel news last week!
New carpet for the hall and stairs .....
burning and ripping ...... all iMac behaviours!!
Tasting for the first time, the Bison Vodka I brought back from Poland last month
saying I love you to my beloved
catching up on a massive inbox - due to being away for endless week-ends.

And following this next week-end at Greenbelt I have another week-end conference at the Dunford conference centre - the best in the world. ....... and then there is more and that means I will miss most of the tri-nations rugby league games - stink. (this vodka tastes so sweet)

last thoughts ...... if you would like to contribute to democracy and cast a vote in the USA Presidential Election ..... ...... go to the 'contact' link from my home page and send me a email with either ;
Blog B ....
Blog K
in the subject box.
I will blog the result ............ at the same time as the American one is complete .....

