Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.
.............. if you click this way regular like - you may remember the big big wedding in India which Joan and me were planning for Easter 2005 and stink! - they went and got married early with out us (all down to visa problems)
Well tonight - we were invited to the UK celebration held by the good couple Anitha and Adolfus, in Woolwich (near Belmarsh Prison, some small time football club and sludge-full Thames River) ....... and it was fab-tastic.
We watched the wedding DVD ...... 950 at the Engagement and, the day after, 500 for the wedding. What style and traditions!
We were treated like Royalty in this multi cultural gathering - Spanish - Czech - Pakistani - St Helensi - and more and more Indian.
A privilege.
A privilege to be there amongst these humans.
And the food.
Now ........ what service - what gorgeous food.
The nine house chefs provided a treat to overfill - and did I mention style?
..... so much more to express and pour ....... but my stubby little fingers are not up to it as usual ............. but I will leave you with a favourite quote;
Quote: Paul Tournier from the Meaning of Persons:
"We become fully conscious only of what we are able to express to someone else. We may already have had a certain inner intuition about it, but it must remain vague so long as it is unformulatedâ??