Friday, June 09, 2006

Hey ...........
..........hope you are ok ........
....come breathe with me ......

Take a a few slow deep breaths ............
Notice the slight pause between the intake and exhale .............
Drink deep at the well with that moment of beautiful space in your life ...................
Your life is made up of those moments and they will be with you as long as you live .....
Life is made up of those moments .........
As precious as you are ......
Notice as you breathe ..........
Your life slows and it becomes a time of peace .......
Notice your nostrils are cooler as you breathe in .........
Warmer as you breathe out ..............
Oxygen in and the waste out ............
Life giving energy for your body and soul .......
New life in and old life out ...........
Breathe on me breath of .....................
