Monday, January 25, 2016

RAPUNZEL #YouAreBeautiful - becoming


The story of a young woman. 
Young and beautiful. 
Imprisoned in a tower with an old witch. 

She was told by the old witch 
that she was ugly - all the time. 

One day Rapunzel 
was gazing through the window 
of the tower 
and she saw her Prince Charming 
at the base of the tower. 

She lets down her long hair, 
long and beautiful tresses. 
It fell to the ground alongside the Prince 
who braids it into a ladder and climbs up to rescue her. 

She was imprisoned not by the tower 
but by the fear of her own ugliness 
which the witch had described so often. 

Rapunzel sees the reflection of her face 
in the mirroring eyes of her lover. 

She sees that she is beautiful and 
becomes free from her imagined uglyness. 

She was not really imprisoned 
but locked in the prison tower of herself. 
She believed she was ugly 
because she was told she was ugly.

We need to see in another’s eyes 
our own beauty, special ness, uniqueness 
and become free. 

You are a beautiful human person

