Saturday, July 06, 2019

Flight - one hour delay - so I write .................

Love that will not let me go ..............

Hello - yes you
you are a beautiful human
maybe you feel beautiful?
Most humans I ask - say NO

Deeper ...........
Some humans I know - are beautiful on the inside.
Some I know, are beautiful on the outside
(my eyes are Western European/ Hetrosexual /Male)

I see beauty in every human

When I see someone doing a thankless job

and I speak with them
........ the bud opens like a flower
they respond with light in their eyes ....
(the eyes are a light to the soul)

I believe that all humans are beautiful
not all behaviour of humans is beautiful

If we feel beautiful
we will be beautiful for others
beauty changes the world
beauty is a four letter word ........

Bergen Airport 25.03.2007
One hour delay ...............