Friday, June 02, 2006

.... would love to tell you about today and the day before and the week before but somethings are not possible.

I will take the risks in telling you about my 'insider news' but I cannot say much about others.

The week has slipped through my fingers like sand .......... and I just missed Thursday ......

I have not even had the chance to read othe blogs I click to every night - NIGHT!! - missed them too.

Had a great day today
full stretch
give all
to - see - hear - breath - feel
real humans
real communication
gripping the nettles of life
hurting a bit to do it
but worth it
it was safe
it was a place to
this stretching
safe secure and that is why it was possible

Humans grow and develop when there is ::
New Experiences

......... and we can make that happen in our own lives too
It is not just something we do for other humans .............
