Thursday, June 15, 2006

Hi - thanx for clicking your keys this way ........... I am at Belfast Airport.
Three hours to go before flying to London Stansted.
I will then drop this into your little glass screen - right where you are.
Great that eh?.

The humans I have been with today!
What a day!
What humans!
I could not hope to capture the day here - the mighty power of committed humans being together and drinking from the well of life.
Beautiful opening up amongst the team present as I led a training experience.
Eyes locked on each one present as they, each in turn, shared deep thoughts and feelings.
The quality of listening stood out.
Eager listening through lenses of appreciation and respect for the individual and the team.

Each had homework.
Here they presented it with passion in safe and fertile soil.
Each presenting to their peers.
Relating life situations.
Emotions firmly attached to their souls.
Questions were not "why don't you......"
but questions of yearning to understand and feel.

Stretch was on the agenda.
My aim was to offer more tools for their toolbox.
Communication tools that transpose into the whole of life.
Not just their employment.
Tools that exercise the whole person ::

Through the development stages ::
unconsciously incompetent
consciously incompetent
consciously competent
unconsciously competent

As you would when riding a bike - or swimming - or driving - or when listening like everyone else doesn't.
Read that process again.
We all need to go through that process with the next part of life that we are yet unaware of.
Unconscious of.
Incompetent at.
Becoming aware of an interaction coming at me - evaluating it - and responding with evaluated developmental purpose.
Real tools for life.
Making the most negative human transactions a beautiful journey into adult.
