Saturday, July 26, 2003

I am trying to get contact with anyone who has a copy of the SCRIPT video.
SCRIPT is a band made famous at Greenbelt even though they never played live. Their tape was lost by me (I loaned it to some-one and didn't get it back) and I only have a second generation copy from when we showed it on Main Stage in 19**?. Someone MUST have a copy!

If anyone has video from any of the older festival can you let me know?
I have video from the Stinking Late Shows back in 1986 but there must be some clips from earlier?
All the best stuff will be out there in ya face at the '30 Year Retro' show as below. You may be a able to contribute?

Ninety minutes of Greenbelt carnage: song, dance, comedy, tragedy, live
interviews, archive video, contemplative prayer, fairly well known
celebrities, relatively new jokes and, of course, THAT video. All in all an
affectionate 30 year GB retrospective hosted by Pip Wilson and Martin Wroe.
(Roughly three minutes per annum, history permitting.)