Tired right now.
Long day.
Feel good.
Just been talking live on iMac to iMac with live voice and live screen view to my Tomac the mac man who has this camera and I can see him and talk to him ...... "whatever next" say the old people.................
Had a good day if I scan back.
Fantastic talk over three cups of tea ...... thanx K' if you read this. You make life worthwhile and give me living hope when I work alongside people who have non. You are a wonder.
My return to work from holiday was welcomed by others and that pleases me. I still need that affirmation/confirmation.
Had a fantastic group session with a mix race, mixed ability, mixed disability (we all got them both) ...... wonder ...............
I need to be fresh for all this you know. It is, I now know, a big pull on the emotions so I need to be on top and not raw and down .......
yes .................. my thoughts ...... a glimpse ..... (the spelling looks wrong but too tired to care )...... I amoff and want to say ...................B beautiful..........bhp