Wednesday, February 16, 2005

````` MENTAL FIGHT '''''''''''''

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

I have just read ........
Ben Okri,

Mental Fight

It has been a special moment 'one hour.
It has given me depth. Touched my depths.
Truly touched my soul.
A depth untouched.
I needed to be touched.
I have just read Ben Okri
Mental Fight
It touched much of me
my journey
my hurts
fragile self
It touched something deep within
A yearning
a healing needed to be had '
A wash for my soul
I feel ' not washed
I feel contemplative
I feel stirred - a quiet gentle stirring
Not disturbed
Not exhilarated
Not excited
Not depressed
Not sad
I feel 'world'
small but larger
I have taken something in
I have been washed
want to tell
I want to - To share ' buy all the people I love a copy.

Ben Okri ' Mental Fight ' Phoenix ISBN 0 75381 0670