The Feelosophy behind and within the Blob Tree Communication Tools.
The Blobs: these are a variety of characters expressing a variety of feelings.
It’s very important to use the name Blobs,
rather than he or she, as they are not white males or females,
but genderless and colourless.
Ask questions such as, “How do you think this Blob feels?” or
“Which Blob do you think is the saddest and why?”
This neutral term includes everyone and keeps the Blob tool as open as possible.
Members of your group may continue to ascribe gender to the Blobs,
but as long as you set the lead, most of the group will adopt your expressions.
The Blobs in the Tree are interacting too, as all groups do.
They are also interacting with the Tree.
They have placed themselves on the Tree, or are trying to get on the Tree.
Their places are important to consider.
Some people only feel able to select from the Blobs at the bottom of the Tree,
whilst others tend to fly straight to the top!
The selection of a Blob is a snap-shot of how that person is feeling at that very moment.
Some people record a date next to the image to retain that for their work.
In talking at a conference of educational psychologists,
Ian discovered that many use the Blob Tree sheet as a visual assessment tool,
recording their client’s responses straight onto the sheet.