Two London performances of Still Life: Tales from the West Bank
Trust Greenbelt supported the creation of Still Life: Tales from the West Bank, an hour-long performance of “image, story and song” by two volunteer human rights observers – Karen Chalk and Penny Stone.
After performances during 2012 – including appearances at Greenbelt last year – Karen and Penny are bringing the show back for two further shows this week in London.
The show documents “a glimpse of life under occupation”, as Karen and Penny recount real stories of real people which allow viewers to understand the Israel-Palestine conflict in a compelling and concise performance.
Three months, two human rights observers and countless accounts of occupation distilled into an hour of song, story and image.
Tuesday 9 July – 7.30pm
Kahalia Cafe, 135 Brick Lane, London E1 6SB
Kahalia Cafe, 135 Brick Lane, London E1 6SB
Wednesday 10 July – 7.30pm
St Luke’s Church, Hillmarton Road, London N7 9RE – also featuring an exhibition of paintings and prints by Meg Wroe inspired by her collaboration with a school in Bethlehem
St Luke’s Church, Hillmarton Road, London N7 9RE – also featuring an exhibition of paintings and prints by Meg Wroe inspired by her collaboration with a school in Bethlehem
Contact Meg Wroe at for more information.