I don't know how to spell 'anxiety'
(thank you spell check
You are disguising my weakness every day)
I have been anxious since 16th of October
when I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer
I am experiencing something new and challenging.
I had an MRI scan yesterday
the wonders of invention
and the NHS
I had a few sleepless nights
due to my concern about that tunnel!
BUT I used the time thinking about
my forthcoming Training Day design
and that removed me from the tunnel reality.
Another hurdle on Monday next.
A biopsy which is more intrusive.
I will not know the outcomes
or the treatment needed until 22nd November.
I am full of feeling as I click this.
But I aim to be open and honest in all my communications.
So I thought I would share with you.
I am not telling everyone.
BUT I wanted to be open with you.