Never has my life been like this.
Today I had a phone call asking if I could go for a bone scan.
Another first in my life.
Friday was a big hit when the beautiful human specialist
informed me the the MRI scan & biopsies were bad news.
The cancer in my prostate had spread beyond the prostate.
It has permeated beyond into bone &
other parts of my human frame.
Again new to me - it is a challenge to stop thinking about it all.
I need some more mind over matter =
not thinking cancer all the time.
My iPhone is used as a distraction.
In bed, when I can't get to sleep,
I will read some Jack Reacher action man -
an easy read by Lee Child.
After a while - I turn over & sleep.
This morning was an actual relief when the call came.
Someone had cancelled an appointment leaving
a 3 hour slot vacant - for me.
The adrenaline flowed positively as I showered.
Some action was good news.
the result may not be !
Other than last Friday when I was drained emotionally +
really tired.
Now I am focused because I can do something about it.
It was beautiful to have both daughters around on that day.
I have slipped back into 'normal' life::
Communicating .........
I have decided to keep reflecting here - on my website.
So many people are asking for updates - wondrously so.
Rather than communicating 121 and burning out my finger tips
I an opening up here - so feel to check back regularly.
Tomorrow is another decision day.
I get to agree a recommended option for treatment.
Not a cure.
But a slowing up of the bad stuff.
I keep remembering to take deep breaths ...................