Blob Walk Near Home -
one of the issues that the Lockdown
has thrown up is where do we walk?
When we could drive for a walk,
there was a sense of equality.
Now we have to walk from our homes,
this element has changed.
This BlobTree sheet is a starting point for discussions about
city versus country experiences.
city versus country experiences.
Possible questions:
Look at this sheet with your talk partner: what differences can you see?
What issues are some of the Blobs facing?
Which Blob is having the hardest experiences in your opinion?
Which Blob is having the hardest experiences in your opinion?
Can you give a feeling name to some of the Blobs?
Which Blob do you feel like at the moment? x
www.blobtree.com #lockdown #walking #feelings #isolation #differences #freedom #trapped #fear #privilege #city #countryside #lonely #loneliness #elderly #youth #age #pipwilson #P4C #janeyates