Monday, March 14, 2005

MY Fav Book Title .............

pip GWF
Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

Some humans treat communication in relationships like;
Throwing presents over a wall with the hope that they are being received.
Superficiality is the enemy of intimacy.

The best present is the giving of our authentic self.
That present - is a continuous flow of presents - as we develop as a human (becoming) we are revealing ourselves as part of our wholistic journey as we, right there and then, discover ourselves.
Without self disclosure there is no real giving.
Without self disclosure there is no real love.

We who have reached that point of intimacy - not superficiality, need to take the steps of 'being' this self disclosure first.
(Vulnerability not masks.)
'Becoming' this self disclosure, in some strange way, give the other permission to do the same.

Then the wall is removed and we can give the presents with a smile.

Some Quotes;
"Don't lie to God" Martin Luther King

"Don't live in a population of one" Me

"Love cures. It cures those who give and it cures those who receive" Karl Menninger Psychiatrist

Love makes me vulnerable .......