Friday, December 08, 2006

1 The desks of pipwilsondotcom
2 Top Klas x 2.5
3 Ian and the creative humanoid that he is ....
4 BexBeautiful
5 Paul and a blurred Diane

1 ...... hello from Wilson Mansions
I am not proud of the mess on my desks here at the Mansions but it is L5 - reality ......

.... ,and I am working at home this day and feel I have not blogged propa in my bitty way ...... but I have posted some real feelings/L5/yearnings/reflections in the posts below and I appreciate you scanning them with your 'brain attached eyes' and as I mention eyes ...
..... if you are blogger - could you consider lifting up your font size so the likes of me can read a bit easier ...... I do click on a few blogs every night - usually late ....... so many have not clicked the keys - only the pause button .......... that's ok BUT if you are one of those - I miss you .....

2 Klas x Two and a half ........... we had the Klas Family visit at short notice last Sunday and it was great to see the bump of a beautiful human person growing in Anita........ to take her along the way to have a waistline like mine .........!
.....not seen them for so long and I feel we have journeyed with them every step of their UK way.

3 Ian Beautiful Long, nice name he has, and we met in the New Piccadilly last Saturday to be creative together. We have four exciting new products out in early 2007 and more looming large as soon as I can get my act together ............ Ian has just created a wondrous new logo for a gig I am doing in Norway in January/February 2007. It is a big Youth Event with 400 beautiful young humans. I will be keeping you posted about this and you will be seeing the photos too - of course ......

4 BeautifulBex - what a great name she has ............... and another great time in the New Piccadilly my second home ......... we just talked and flowed and "Level 5'ed' and heard deep from the soul ........ she is a wondrous human who I used to work with and she accepts me as I am and that always feels good ....... sometimes when I am with humans I feel hey want me to be someone better than I am ........ can I say - you are stuck with 'beautiful imperfection' that I am ...... but not static ........ I am not only a human being but also a human becoming .....

5 Paul - I miss him because he has not been around much in my life since Greenbelt - but we did catch some time to walk and talk around London Town. Here we were escalating into the London Underground and I was clicking my sick camera and then ........ becoming excited because I always see couples kissing on the escalators ............ and just after I said that - we hit the bottom step and Diane shouted "Pip".
I had not seen her for seven or so years since she left the Greenbelt Staff and she had heard me on the six rows of escalators - talking about 'kissing' and SHE HEARD ME and said she thought ............
'I recognise that voice' .............
.... it was wondrous to hug and and catch a couple of minutes as millions of humans streamed by ........ and some of them kissing!!

Soooooo - these are a few experiences which feed my life and soul ....... and note:: always humans ....... sometimes with a bit of art added ...... sometimes some technology added .......... and always some kissing ......

I call it my profession

stay beautiful
tell someone today
it can become a habit
a good one
you are beautiful

Dance like no-one is watching
Sing like no-one is listening
Love like you have never been hurt.