Tuesday, April 06, 2004

I bought this CD at Greenbelt last August but NOW it is kicking real ........ it is music but with words to the fore ........ the words from the cross and it is called;
A Meditation on the seven last words from the cross

What were the last words of Jesus? What did he say to his friends and enemies in the last hours of his life? What did it feel like to be abandoned? What do those words tell us about the meaning of his life ... and his death?

An Easter release from Sticky Music, this CD of meditations written by Martin Wroe, is a collaboration with two other long-time Greenbelters – Harry Napier with an extraordinary 'cello interpretation along with playwright and actor Justin Butcher narrating.

A perfect 'alternative' take for Holy Week, each piece is provided twice, the second time with no vocals so that in your own setting – service,meeting with friends, bedroom – you could use the music track and choose your own voices to narrate.

For every copy sold, Greenbelt receives a cut!
Listen to a sample or buy online here http://tinyurl.com/3xl54