..... between 1am and 2am this morning I sent out - well - well - will tell you how in a minute.
I sent out about 3500 emails to my hit list.
It was my monthly e-newsletter which has only been produced ONCE in the last year!
It HAS been a year since I went into a rock and roll roadie life style ......... mission lifestyle of course.
It is just a catch up on life and inspiration.
You will have received it if you have clicked into my web-site and subscribed for it.
If you have not got a copy ....... and all the fab links of course ....... you can only get it by emailing me here, and I will send you one.
Tomek does all my mac mastering and he is not only a macmaster but also a severmaster! he operates his own server and can do wiz gigs on it.
Lots of, most of, the links are to my web-site which people compliment me on - that's a laugh - because that is done and dusted and created and updated by Charlie webmaster.
So if you want the news
get the e-news
keep an eye on changes coming to the website.
and stay cool and beautiful
bbecoming dot com