Here I am in lockdown.
Just the two of us.
No visits from our beautiful daughters
No visits and playtimes with our beautiful Grandaughters.
AND it is different this time.
Last time was reasonably good weather.
Joy used to sit outside on the grass
and we made the tea and placed in the middle
respecting the required distancing.
No hugs/kisses now.
Last time I didn’t drive our car for months.
Delayed it’s MOT & annual service.
Just walked miles and enjoyed it.
Winter makes a difference.
We still have the end of the rugby league season to watch on TV
and we have lots of books to read / write.
+ my indoor exercise bike
+ endless music from
WorldwideFM.net & Gilles Peterson toping the list.
My writing is my daily reflections here and on the ‘socials’.
+ there are new books and developmental tools to make known to the world.
BUT I do miss my 121’s with BHP’s
Travelling to London to collide with humans
Meeting up with friends for meals out
Feeding off the love with & from our church community
My gigs/training days with Therapists, Students & a range of people workers.
There are other pursuits I partake & enjoy but I have forgotten them all !!
A new phase of life begins and it-is here to
Serve the needs of others
Love endlessly
NOT being silent about things that matter
Love like I have never been hurt
Grow & Develop emotionally spiritually physically ………
’Seek the Shalom of the city
for in it’s Shalom,
you will find your own Shalom.’