I resigned my 18 years CEO post with Romford YMCA to go freelance. It was a call. I had discovered over some years that conducting Training and Group work with young people on the edge ........... was satisfying for me and fantastic to facilitate life-learning - life changing experiences with groups of specialist workers & YP - where my heart lay.
I had been working also in many counties especially in Eastern Europe after the Berlin wall came down (hacked down!). 2003 onwards I wanted to do this kind of work full time.
I was a big step. Leaving 150 staff & 6k members - I was to step down in numbers to work with smaller collections of BHP's.
The first week of my new life was a one week break with my beloved - then launching into a one week festival in Prague followed by weekly group work in three YMCAs + working a few days a week for YMCA England.
What stretched me was working in Hostels in London. I loved the challenge, going into these hostels, full of, mainly, young people who had experienced tough times as well as being homeless.
If you search this website you will find examples/stories of encounters with these special beautiful humans. I did love them - I still love these special humans with all my heart.
I want to tell you about particular young woman. NOT in my words but those of another young human living in the same hostel. If you read between the lines you will sense her behaviour, her needs, her character, her passion for life.
I can't remember the author of these words but you will 'get' much of who she was.