Friday, November 20, 2020

A caterpillar looks nothing like a butterfly but one develops from the other ....

 ... there is so much #hate around …. 

people #abusing others who are different
than they are …. 
different ways - online /face-to-face / facial expressions /  …. 
…… since #Brexit in the #UK ..... 
..... since the election in the USA ....

Everyone we meet
or see or with a different 
skin colour / accent / life-struggles
is fighting a battle we know nothing about.

Please don't have a hard heart.
Presume each person is doing their best.
See behaviour
feel beyond behaviour
try to see their soul
(facial expressions can say so much).

I believe we can ALL follow love. 
Live Love. 
To everyone. 

Not only by silence but #speaking #love to those offended - 
no put downs - 
no #racial #prejudice - 
.... we can all change
all develop .......

A caterpillar looks nothing like
a butterfly
one develops from the other ....

loving who we don't like ..... 
#Grace …