Sunday, March 14, 2021

From my friend Gordon

I've been sobbing for most of this afternoon and I blame you Howard Paar. Having read your post about your Oscar nomination for your work on  A Beautiful Day In The Neighbourhood I decided to watch it. 

What a beautiful film. Tom Hanks as Fred Rogers and Matthew Rhys (who I love from The Americans) as Lloyd Vogel played their parts to perfection. There is so much silence in this movie and that gave all the emotions that it brought up in me space to breathe.

Vogel's childhood trauma of a mother dying mirrored my own as did his unreasonable anger in his adult life. Rogers' kindness and non-judgemental response to all these emotions mirror the understanding and care I've known from friends when I've shared my trauma with them, especially Pip Wilson (my very own emotion detective).

I came to this movie emotionally open, I sobbed my way joyously through it (nice music Howard Paar btw) and, having had cancer myself this year, I found this line from Hanks' Mr Rogers at the end of the movie so profound and beautiful.

"You know, death is something many of us are uncomfortable speaking about. But to die is to be human and anything human is mentionable. Anything mentionable is manageable"

Great art triggers emotions and this did just that. 

Good luck for tomorrow Howard