Sunday, September 18, 2016

~ Pip Wilson is a Beautiful Human Person who became an Adult when he was 40.

Pip Wilson ::

~ Pip Wilson is a Beautiful Human Person who became an Adult when he was 40.

~ His work has ranged from ::
~ Urban Street Gangs in East London UK.
~ Club for Hells Angels in Lancashire.
~ Special Needs Group Work with humans with drug and alcohol issues.
~ Autonomous Charity CEO - 150 Staff - 200 Volunteers - 6.5k members..

~ Far more scars than certificates.
~ Author of 45 books and creator of many Games Exercises and Growth and Development Tools.
~ Many such as The Blob Tree' which can open the hardest heart and top communication in all cultures and contexts.
~ Believes that vulnerability is a strength not a weakness.

~ Freelance Group Worker/Trainer/Facilitator in the Corporate and Voluntary Sector.
~ Spends beautiful quality time with Humans living on the Underside of Society.
~ Yearns for the uncomfortable, unease, dissatisfaction and daily refreshes the irritation.
~ Believes that there is no such thing as a difficult person - only difficult behaviour.