Sunday, March 03, 2019

" I walked on past two boys fighting with knives ............... I was heading for an incident far worse ........." Youth Work - VIDEO

"Yes I walked past the two boys fighting with knives 
in the Youth Club - 
YES I was heading towards a worse situation ....... 
I could read that the two boys were having a 'play fight' .....
There was more serious trouble ahead for me."

Yes that is me alongside a team of 40 Youth Workers.
Working relationally with these beautiful humans.

The way in is always by building a relationship 
with each young person.
We became safe confidential 'adult mentors' 
in a troubles life.

The situation now is so different as the 
Youth Service has been shredded -
Youth Workers - community workers removed - 
adult role models unemployed.

SHAME SHAME SHAME on us for allowing this to happen -
and you Non-Governing Government 
SHAME on you big time.

Studies mention how the cuts in spending on UK Youth 
have coincided with the rise in knife crime.

In 2011 the government scrapped the 
educational maintenance allow-ance 
(the grant to low-income students; in school or college); 

Since 2010 there has been a £38m cut in youth services;

between 2012 and 2016 
603 Youth Clubs have been closed. 

In addition a stretched NHS is unable to adequately provide 
mental health help to the young.
On top of that - every 2 minutes 
a young person gets sanctioned at 
Job Centres resulting in loss of benefits.

Young beautiful humans
living in tough harsh communities
Are left to survive in a violent world.

The Police have a different job than 
'streetwise informal educators'
BUT even they have been slashed of officer numbers.

I have deep empathetic feelings for everyone 
who is suffering from crime
especially knife crime.
Families devastated by the loss of a loved one.

I feel deeply too for the young humans
who are living in this bubble::
"I have my weed - phone - knife ............."

FEEL this video 
replay it
understand it.
Authentic words from someone living it.
Terrible life-style they are living
Words from their reality