Remain or Leave
Leave or Remain
The big EU Question and my Pipology.
I have been thinking about this major issue for a long time.
I have been meaning to write out my
feelings, thoughts, philosophy for some time.
I must join up the dots in my life/experience/values/faith/BHPness and
I will try to make some sense.
This BHP stuff.
''You are Beautiful" Stuff.
It has all come out of working with people who are often despised by the majority.
They distance themselves from them.
Don’t understand them.
Don’t care about them.
Through all sorts of pain I have a developing
pipology loveology emotionology
and the base principle is that
all humans are of equal value.
Not only tolerate our neighbour but love our neighbours.
And love is a doing word.
I have decided to love not hate
because love does a better job.
Some years ago I created a Mission Statement
and it stays unchanged, with annual reviews,
because it still rings true,
it still applies to my life as tough as it can be.
One line in this MS is::
'I have decided to live my life as an act of Love.’
Central to my faith and belief is
This comes from a bible verse which ended my first book/autobiography
'Gutter Feelings'.
‘Seek the Shalom of the city because
in its Shalom
you will find your own Shalom.’
It’s about seeking wholeness for others
and doing that, living that, we develop our own wholeness.
I am forever working at that within myself
and in all my work/life.
When I meet a Bulgarian I say
’T c pracrasin chovek’
With a Albanian
‘You yani person ebooku’
'Yesh tesh sponyowee’
….. and MORE - all meaning ::
‘You are a beautiful Human Person’
I have not travelled as much as many
but I have in Eastern Europe and I love these BHP’s.
They are as valuable as you, me, others ……..
No matter their complex needs ………
…. "we can see a persons behaviour
but we can’t see their journey”
I believe in WE/ME
I don’t believe in Just ME.
"If you want to go fast - go alone
If you want to go far -
go together”
I am a human who believes in BELONGING.
I belong to a 'Level Five Group' - we are 38 years old.
I believe in participation.
In my Youth Work I have always had the following as OBJECTIVES
because this is how Young people Develop - if these are present ::
New Experiences
When we participate with others in many contexts
we all develop
we all learn.
My Youth Work life has been about::
Making contact
Establishing relationships
Building relationships
BECOMING together ……..
…..is relevant to good Youth Work/Community Work
and also on the International stage too.
I believe in Team Work.
We all learn in a TEAM.
In teamwork decisions don’t always go our way.
The team decides and we all feel the benefit or loss - mistakes or success.
We learn and we go forward stronger with differences
but working for the common good.
I am ::
St Helens
I love the world.
I don’t want to be a nationalist
thinking only about SELF.
“He has got the whole world in his hands ………”
I have not mentioned directly some of the big issues such as::
Health/Housing/Security etc
BUT I have in Pipology terms.
I want to love the poorest, the broken, the stranger …..
Everyone so wonderfully made
YET Beautiful/Imperfection like me …...
and like me - Broken & Becoming.
I wish and work for the whole world to become one.
I want to BELONG and work for the WHOLE.
You are beautiful