I always been drawn to teenagers who are street wise.
I have worked with young offenders full time since I was 26 years old - in several projects.
Often they have been brought up on the street and that is their skill, craft and employment.
During my many years leading youth projects they have always been attractive a high percentage of teenage boys who carried knives,
take drugs and are involved in planned violence (often football- and racially-motivated).
They have had other challenges, such as being unemployed.
They can chat normally when they are on their own but are often aggressive, abusive, disruptive and irresponsibly dangerous when with a group of friends.
I consider that most of their anti-social behaviour has been motivated by a need for excitement - real pleasure in having a sense of achievement.
Midst these BHP's, who attract lots of attention with their behaviour, there are teenagers in the same community who are relaxed, pleasant, friendly and enjoy friendships using Youth Club facilities & programmes at their pleasure.
They may have jobs or be unemployed.
This category includes nearly all the girls but only a small minority of boys.
Those in the club who don’t get involved in criminal activity – that is, often the minority, are seen by the majority to be abnormal, or deviant!
All of us need to be stretched.
All of us need a sense of satisfaction in our quest for growth &development.
Steve Rowgslie, writing on ‘The Potential of Intermediate Treatment’ in New Society stated that
“The minority who are too timid to share the joys of law-breaking
are more likely than the delinquents to be maladjusted individuals”.