Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Uncle Henry has died.
He was a fond favourite Uncle on Joans side of the family. He used to play for Manchester United and later and longer for Stoke. So am am told. I never have been a Soccer fan. Rugby League like a stick of rock is me - lad.

We are doing a full family St Helens visit on Monday - travelling late Sunday night and back to the smoke late Monday.

Funerals are part of life - as is death and it is good to know it, face it feel it.

Remember the best of a person and support the living ones.

Someone said to me in a YMCA Hostel
"I am dead already"
Now that is something to be more concerned about. The ones who are physically alive but dead to themselves and others - and to God?
I don't know about that because I do not know the expanse of the love of God. I only dip my toe into my own expanse. I yearn for a greater plunge into the deep well of love - made available by our creator.

The glory of God is a person fully alive.

How near are you to the 'fully alive' end of the spectrum?
