Sunday, July 25, 2004

Church was the first gig today. Ulli and Volker with us - a German view of the Church of England via St Edwards in the Market Place - Romford. The 50 strong choir sounded Cathedral like today. The said it was good but certainly a new experience.

Afterwards we hit the Bell where in 1555 some soul was burned at the stake in the pub yard for being a Protestant. Germans shudder at this point.
The meal was fab and we took three hours and more to delight with three courses of stuff which would delight our French Chef friends from over the channel. It was dead heads and sleepy eyes for a few hours afterwards.

The rest of the day we were hanging out in the garden and indoors talking music/theology/communication/human behaviour/loving/being/becoming. These two flow with energy and words. All based in their work. All from incarnational life styles.

Not got any work done over the w/e but THAT'S WHY YOU TAKE A BREAK WILSON ...... I say to myself ........ but I need to do a ctching up tomorrow - I look at the watch and see it is almost Monday ................ so will post this before big ben booms ....... bless you in your specialness ..........