My right knee is giving me some gip.
I remember it getting a big twist in my rugby days. Three big fellas swung me around and my foot stayed firmly in the mud. I was strapped for weeks. Painful in extreme but nothing broken.
Now it hurts with a pain in the side and general ache. Keep doing my stretches. Will get some advice in the gym.
"He jests at scars who never felt a wound" William Shakespeare
This journey, this 'road less travelled', is full of brambles.
When I did my last course called that. As with every course, people there had been caught in those thorns and carried the scars. Me too.
That makes doing a course with people who are on that journey all the worthwhile. If you feel the pain of life we are much more willing to grapple with the questions of life. If we skate over it, push it aside, it only comes back when we hit the next hurdle. Having the tools to handle life does not come naturally ...... like we cannot play the piano just because we can tap the keys with our fingers. We need the training, the skills before we can play a decent tune.
I want to feel those feeling as I journey. Feel them clock them, and then work them out. Not leaving them to fester.
It must be terrible to feel no pain.