So as I leave one of my posts at the end of the month.......... I share with you my desire to live in zones where comfort does not reside.
Outside the comfort zones is where development is.
There is a step for you which will take you into discovery.
Of self.
Of others.
Of eyes that see, of ears that hear.
Of God.
Of spirituality beyond what you know, beyond where you now reside.
Take your pick!
No greater stretch is to be found by getting close, very close to fellow humans in the YMCA, heard of them?
The next person you see who makes you cringe, to shudder, to step back emotionally, that peron is the person to get close to ...... and, no doubt, yourself in the process!
"Look around you – there are people around you.
Maybe you will remember one of them all your life and later eat your heart out because you didn’t make use of the opportunity to ask them questions."
Alexander Solzhenitsyn