Today was a journey into west end London to be excited about the pending new ymca england website hey hey
There will be good things to stretch the soul and inform too.
Part of my passion is to stimulate the ymca movement in their pressured work to include spiritual/Christian exercise for themselves and the communities they work with.
Love it love it
Also I have shared ideas to provide for the needs of local YMCA's because the needs are great and many resources are needed......
And to spend time also with a beautiful daughter.
A meal 121.
Love it.
We miss each other too much and this a rare opportunity to have a meal and gas with each other.
Love love it.
Got myself a padded 'skin' for my G4 mactop today to stop the paper clip invasion into my c.d. burner ...... I would rather burn c.d.'s than people.
Also a spare firewire cable to charge my ipod in transit as I travel.
Gilles Peterson is on the wifi mac right now, streaming as I sit on the sofa with the tv on silent.............. I cannot only do one thing at once. I love the music coming out of that mans soul ...... my favorite dj.
Tomorrow I will journey for two hours through the big city with my ipod doing great massage on my soul. Today it was
'Grove Armada' and 'Underworld'......... 'back to mine' and tomorrow it has got to be 'Queen of the stone age' and more. Music penetrates so deep. Deep in my soul.
(Just been reminded by tv how much some people share with me and show trust and confidence in confidentiality in a relationship. Thank you if you do that. I will never break a confidence.)
And the book I started to read today is 'being human'. More details later as I have not got it with me. It will be my companion for the coming weeks as I travel and read.
A cigar and a Cointreau is now my companion as I slow to bedtime.
Thanx for the few who let me know that they have read my blog. It is nice to know and you must feel free to email me or respond on the blogspot. I is good to know you are there but I will do this anyway
- I need the therapy of doing this
- It could all become the base for my next book!!
Tomorrow I start a new 'road less travelled' course and I am nervous.
New people.
New environment.
New stretch
New life.
I will let you know how I go on.
"work like you don't need the money
dance like no-one is watching
sing like no-one is listening
love like you have never been hurt"