Sunday, March 07, 2004

When a group of people came together in 1980 for a work-party - there was some interactions of depth.
It was experiential.
It was deep as never experienced before.
It was a hook with a desire for more.
It was a taster.

That group of people have been meeting together now for 23.5 years.
About two or three times a year.
They sit around, with the usual 'normal' food and coffee before, between and after.
In-between (and I love that word) each person has an hour or so to talk about there lives. Feelings, issues, activity, relationships, work, hurts, joys, faith, passion, hopes, plans, thoughts ...................
............... and 'in-between' (I love that word) there are people around who ask questions, lovingly probing for understanding, smile with those who smile, frown with those who frown and ............. of such is the kingdom ....

Never is there judgement, criticism, 'yes buts' or advice .............
-have you heard of unconditional love?
-have you heard of participating listening?
-have you heard of empathy?

All this may seem very strange to you BUT it is normal for us who met together yesterday to do 'level five' with each other. And we have been doing it for 23.5 years ........ more than 50% of most of the group members lives.

It is such a beautiful experience ............ that words cannot express.
We have two more dates in the diary for this year.

I feel these words and stumbling sentences have been pure factual (this 'fact communication' is 'Level two') but it is much more than that and do not have the words to match the moment ...... unless I talk to you .....