Over the week - end ....... I forgot to tell you that I was screaming and jumping up and down in my bed room on my own ........... for about 80 minutes ......... then I was relaxed and at peace because the best rugby league team ......... the SAINTS from St Helens .............. we beat Leeds and knocked them out of the cup. It was so tense. So fab. So beautiful of a team ....... the defence was unbelievable and so good to watch ......... now we have Hull in the next round and another step of fear and faith ............
Tomorrow ...... today really .......... I am on the three trains again and with people I love. I always carry some nerves because a week can be a long time in a persons life and I carry these people close in my soul ........ I want to do ........... I am not responsible FOR them ................. but I am responsible TO them and when I am with them, I offer all I have.
I have talked about this before. I really have deep feelings of love for them and words cannot express that ...... certainly I often cannot say that to them as it is not sensitive to do so (I have at certain times when is/has been right) ........ but I can tell you ................. much more in the chest to share but it is late and tomorrow I will need to be kicking ..........
I am going to kick the darkness until it bleeds daylight
quote used by Bono but by Bruce Cockburn