I have just composed this for my web-site new book page on demand.
Charlie my webmaster pulls the strings and the creativity in all things WWW.
So here it is - unedited;
" I have contact almost weekly from someone who wants a game idea or the world famous 'Blobs' .......... quite smug they are, won't come off their tree easily!
But, just like real life, there is the smug ones and the suicidal - the climbing up ones and the hanging on ones.
There are four books on the published list. Three of them are games and exercises. All the tools in the books are aimed at facilitating wholistic development. The wild and wacky fun ones are very much like that, to help in development - as are the deep and serious. The ones that create an 'experience' are not to mess with. They can unzip the soul and all that needs a safe environment and a climate of trust in a team or group.
Only one of the books is available from me;
'The very stinking rolling magazine book'.
I call it the 'rolling magazine book'.
There are 100 games or more.
The NEW book I am attempting to create at the moment is a new;
"Games Without Frontiers" Bumper Edition ........
with my whole back catalogue and many new blob pictures, exercises and games.
The next 'Gutter Feelings' will certainly have lots of new material which some of it is shared in my daily blog on - www.pipwilson.com
This book covers the first forty years of my life and the x rated items have yet to be revealed!
It was first produced in the days before a computer came within my reach, remember liquid paper? It has since been typed by my friend Adolfus so I my consider releasing it in some way.
I am planning to post some 'tools' on my website so watch out for a Pearl of Wilson or two!!