....... are you sitting uncomfortably?
Me here in Czechia ...... and if you have emailed me with no answer ..... I am off line on pip da wilson @ ............ I cannot get my mactop on line due to my technoignorace ...... and I have just been told that the computer room will not be available to bloggers like me ...... so this maybe the last one till sunday.
Heaven is not a place for retired christians but a place to worship God.
As long as it is not Charismatic worship I will be happy.
It is fantastic here to say the Lords Prayer every morning with about 120 others saying it in their Mother Languages ..... about 20 different languages .. ........ the diversity ... it is great and makes the feel humble .........
I will struggle in my last workshop I lead to go to some depth with people who cannot speak English. It is real - yet to go to some depth with limited time ....... I don't know how to do it ...... so I will just do it .......
TRY ...... reminds me of the Bugge Wesseltoft track often mentioned here .....
thanx for clicking this way .....
I leave you by reaching out my finger tip towards your unique self ......