Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Greenbelt Board meeting last night, fab .... as was the pint after.
Good to see friends again after a seemingly long break since the December meeting. Always seems like a long time when we process that period. Bit like shooting the rapids.
Beki, if you know her, it really big and plump.
Unlike the rest of us, it is all due to the large 'pending' agenda .......... meaning the baby due some time soon .........
I love the heavy pregnant. Makes me feel slim !!

And today Paul Northup, with the help of his beautiful wife, has given birth.
Thank you God.
Is this the year of babes?

Death still casts a shadow however. My train delayed due to a suicide on the tracks ahead. There are so many people at the moment who are low and contemplate suicide. It is really hard this season. Cannot wait to see those little buds pop into life from those stark sharpe trees.
So important to hope for new life.

I feel ok.
I feel good.
I feel alive and eager.
I feel concerned for others.
I feel fleet.

How do you feel?
It is vital to know how we feel.
Then to think.
Then to put our mind into action to ensure we are not controlled by our feelings.

Thank you God for feelings.
Without them we would feel no pain.
Without them we would be NOT HUMAN.

Thank you God for a mind to connect to all things within us
