This song
by Paul Field
played Greenbelt last year
had level 5 with him
had a pint with him
he is a great song writer
this is fab for 2004
God of the moon and the stars
God of the near and far
God of the fragile hearts we are, I come to you
God of our history
God of the future that will be
What will you make of me, I come to you
God of the meek and mild
God of the reckless and the wild
God of the unreconciled, I come to you
God of our life and death
God of our secrets unconfessed
God of our every breath, I come to you
God of the rich and poor
God of the princess and the whore
God of every open door, I come to you
God of the unborn child
God of the pure and undefiled
God of the pimp and paedophile, I come to you
God of the war and peace
God of the junkie and the priest
God of the greatest and the least, I come to you
God of the refugee
God of the prisoner and the free
God of our doubt and certainty, I come to you
God of our joy and and grief
God of the lawyer and the thief
God of our faith and unbelief, I come to you
God of the wounds we bear
God of the deepest dreams we share
God of our unspoken prayer, I come to you
God of a world that's lost
God of a lonely cross
God who has come to us, I come to you
(Paul Field: God of the Moon and the stars)
wonder ..................................................