hey ...... getting back through the London train network .... three trains was prurty good tonight. Two hours and expected longer.
I love the views from the trains as you see the backside of the urban sprawl. I see the near-side graffiti written rail-side and then the flats so close in the inner London scene. Then the fortunate ones with the stacking white plastic chairs left out to freeze. Beyond there is the shuttered houses with most occupants out working to pay the mortgages so they can enjoy the garden come spring ..... and the passing trains. The graffiti is big and strong. Is it a night-time activity or week-ends? There I see the harsh stark bare sharp trees. So cold and glum like most people I met these last days. Peaking through the housing skyline, in most of the passing landscape, are churches with spires, towers, (and the nonconformists roofs!) and a a surprising number with scaffolding. What are they doing with those buildings? Are they representing a community each?
I like the backside of things.
There is an underside with the people I have met too. Some who were up for it in the old year, are now glum or low right now. These God given emotions do things to us eh? So sad to talk with some who are locked in the negative and cannot see beyond that. I feel deeply. I love deeply. I energize deeply.
Others are looking forward having 'owned' their ugly past. It is really fantastic for me to feel their new life and observe their new self esteem which is so foundational. love it love it.
Home tonight to a fantastic meal and a little slow to relax.
That big fat cuban helped.
Don't get carried away.
I refer to my cigar.
Joy brought me some from her Miami trip and I hope that Ann will do the same on return from Barbados.
Paul my friend has promised to visit with two Bolivas. That will be the treat at the end of the late night Greenbelt meeting on Friday.
Just listening to Gilles Peterson now as I chill and trust it streaming from the bbc direct to my imac and therefore my ipod tomorrow.
love to love you baby ...............