Saturday, January 19, 2013

A journey to do together - join me?

For you - an extract from a new book.
Because LENT is near.
AND for those who are discoverers/spiritual/human/thinkers/feelers - that means YOU
This special book will provide some special input and  plug you into reflection as Lent proceeds.

I have started lent early because I want to share some of the journey with you - at the start so ........

You may consider using this method .......... something new.

Here is an extract of some of the text from DAY ONE of becoming .......

Day 1: give the picture time to speak to you. 

Allow your eye to settle upon the Blob 
who feels like you do 
as you start your journey towards Eas+er. 

Which Blob would you most like to be along this journey, and why? 

What will you need to change to make this happen? 

draw a heart upon the palm of your hand in pen and ask God 
to help to guide you 
to become an agent of Love this Lent. 

This is the main bit.
In the book there is space to do old fashioned hand writing. 
It will flow from your soul to pen.
Try it on any paper for now.