Thursday, January 17, 2013


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Be vInspired as a Greenbelt Volunteer

Are you aged 16-25?
Have you ever volunteered for Greenbelt or are you planning to at GB13?
If the answer to those two questions is ‘yes’ then you should read on.
Greenbelt has teamed up with vInspired, a national charity that gives volunteers recognition for the hours they spend volunteering.
vInspired is recognised by the Government and is designed to help you show college, universities and potential employers the impact you have made nationally/in your community and the skills you have gained.
There are currently three levels of certificate:
v10 – 10 hours volunteering (you can download and print this certificate instantly)
v50 – 50 hours volunteering (you send your comments to Greenbelt and we will be able to issue you with an official certificate)
v100 – 100 hours volunteering (you send your comments to Greenbelt and we will be able to issue you with an official certificate)
The hours are cumulative so you don’t have to start from 0 every time you start a new award.
If you volunteered for Greenbelt in 2011 and/or 2012 then you are already entitled to a v50 award as you can backdate your entries to include volunteering experiences from the last two years.
Register for vInspired at
Make sure you search for and ‘follow’ Greenbelt Festival.
When you’re ready, choose Greenbelt Festival as your award validator.
Contact for more information or if you have any questions.