good to be getting some links with the people who were in the group last week. Have sent a few pics off to some.
good to be back home and chance to clear the decks
good to see Zig again and give him a cuddle
you can't beat the fur for a cuddle ..... well almost.
good to have the week off so I can still try to catch up with the left overs of work and of course the clear-up of files and bags and boxes which I brought home from Romford y.
to come home and to find out the future is orange ...... my website has been updated and re-imagined by the genius that is Charlie.
Have a look at the pics because with all the new ones ...... you may be there alongside all the pics from when I left Romford. Greenbelt is in there too and other events which have attracted my mini-mini camera.
Look at the Pearls too. Some wonder-full articles and stimulus ...... love it and ...... thanx Charlie.